Do you have a lot of trouble planting tomatoes? Apparently a lot of us do.
Doug Oster, Emmy winning producer, TV host, and writer, who is known as ‘The Organic Gardener’, spoke with our radio station and said that we, in this area, have a hard time fighting blight.
“From the bottom of the plant, it’ll start to turn yellow and brown and lose their leaves and work their way up. That’s because usually we’re trying to put our tomatoes in too early, even at Memorial Day,” says Oster.
Oester made the point that tomatoes love hot air and soil temperatures. He plants through the season; as early as the third week of May and even up to July 4th.
July seems to be late but Oster says planting at that time, as well as planting a variety of tomatoes at different times through the season, helps fight blight.
Find out more tips from Doug at