Superstore Items – 8/30/18:
724-482-4041: scanner, folding backseat tray for a car, scrapbooking material, can opener, western figs
724-285-7038: International Cub plow, push mower
814-229-9732: 2000 Ford F-150, Cooper tires – p235-55-17, 20′ Boys Bike, 20″ Girls Bike
724-968-2013: DVD’s
Yard Sale 621 Bessemer Ave-Lyndora
724-285-6255: Looking for sofa, childrens clothes
724-282-6277: Looking for a metal detector
724-996-1083: Looking for a refridge – free or cheap
724-283-6532: looking for someone to do sewing, for sale-wall sconces, 12″ grab bar, wireless keyboard
and mouse, cookware
724-283-6317: Pine Boards, ’86 Kawasaki motorcycle, motorcycle windshield, DP weight bench
724-256-0701: hamster cages, motorcycle helmet, A/C compressor pump for a Dodge Ram
724-283-1477: Rocker recliner, gas engine, horshoe tools
724-482-2256: 2011 Mustang GT, 21′ boat (cuddy)
724-496-0960: Casio keyboard
724-290-1368: Refridge, Pontiac G5
724-679-4929: self-propelled mower (Craftsman)
724-285-9909: Infant halloween costumes, small desk, ent center
724-968-7591: crib mattress, cabbage patch doll and swing, computer stand, chairs, Keurig
724-996-5883: metal detector
724-748-0111: ’38 Ford engine, transmission, John Deere, sink
Yard Sale – 90 Eau Claire Rd – Parker Fri-Sat-Sun & Mon 9-6
724-431-7990: Bissell sweeper
724-629-0101: gas grill, jump pack, landscape ties
724-316-9853: snow blower
724-996-3911: copper downspouts, transport disc
724-283-9723: 8-dozen canning jars (quarts) and cooking pots
724-355-7094: 2002 Chevrolet Avalanche
724-865-2943: looking to buy a driving pony
724-282-7561: Garage Sale 338 W. Sunbury Rd and a few more in the neighborhood