(724) 287-6460- FREE zebra grass
(724) 487-7623- want: eighteen foot round pool cover
(724) 996-7793- want: Halloween stuff
(724) 651-0494- three ton come-alongs/beauty shop hair drying chair/2 electric wheelchairs/turntable
want: 12 x 9 x 24 tractor tire
(724) 712-1859- 2001 Kawasaki Vulcan/wireless microphone system/complete tattoo unit/kerosene heater/air nailer gun/spiral saw
want: electric stove
(724) 841-5766- large air conditioner
(724) 487-7527- old cuckoo clock/foosball table/doll houses/microwave/FREE size 14 and 15 girl’s pants and boy’s hoodies
(724) 332-8211- air compressor/thirty-six inch turbine fan/small floor fan/gas can/space heater/air tools
(724) 538-9175- 50 wall stone/John Deere rotary mower
want: sickle pears
(724) 352-4651- dining room and kitchen chairs/wooden toy box/2 mirrors/aquarium and accessories/bathroom pedestal sink
(724) 712-7195- X-Box 360, games,etc.
(724) 283-3176- snare drum/2015 Fiat 500/6 pair of work pants/cassette tapes, cds and record albums
(724) 513-9390- 40 banker boxes storage drawers/work bench/sewing machine/two cycle lawn mower/drywall pieces
(724) 352-4678- Calloway driver golf club
(724) 822-4695- Farmall Super A
(724) 445-7475- (2) 235-65-16 winter tires
(724) 894-2352- antique medical cabinet/antique wicker set/wooden dowry box/4 ice cream parlor chairs
(724) 944-9524- International tractor
(724) 487-2203- want: refrigerator
(724) 679-1370- 2012 Honda Civic
(724) 996-3911- small freezer
(724) 794-4949- (2) 195-60-15 tires/antique beveled edge mirror/bench grinder/rolls of wheat pennies
(724) 256-9145- recliner
want: baby crib
(724) 504-7294- 2 motorcycle wheels off of a Fat Boy
(724) 283-3463- wants person with utility trailer on Craig’s List to call him
(724) 968-7591- small wooden shelves/quilt rack/2 cribs/toboggan
(724) 421-5394- deer antlers and moose antlers/buffalo hide/collection of swords and knives/blacksmith made items/Amish made bed
want: Parrot or Macaw feathers/someone to work on his walk-behind Gravely
queen sleeper sofa excellent condition $175, 42″ beveled glass top coffee table w/ brass base $45, solid wood coffee table w/ beveled glass inserts & storage $45 , antique rocking chair ,nice $95
Phone Number: 7244452076
Living room suite reclining couch and reclining love seat with 2 end tables and coffee table originally purchased at speedy furniture used less than 1 year very heavy furniture $700 or best offer I must sell any reasonable offer will be accepted
Phone Number: 7242834147
For Sale:
1.. A pair of John Deere RIDING MOWER rear ”bagger” — REPLACEMENT BAGS– ideal for cleaning up GRASS & LEAVES. They are in very good condition.
3. A variety of ”’brand new”’ never used, household wall & ceiling lights for sale. Budget priced..
4. Either some ”finishing nails,” or ”common head nails” that are GALVANIZED and have “””RING SHANK (((BODY))) DESIGN”””. Need them in either 6, 8, or 10 penny size.
5. A variety of ANDERSEN BRAND — double hung sash, ”’NARROWLINE”’ thermopane windows & ”’lift cord kits.””
1. A nice wooden ”four (4) -drawer” WORK DESK for a college pupil, in very nice condition,
2.. Some brand new — ”’crystal style jewelry — for sale including bracelets and earrings.
3. A 4 – piece set of ”’like-new”’ wicker furniture — reasonably priced.
4. A ”’Sun Cast”’ brand garden HOSE REEL in good solid condition.
4. I need a lawn mower — self propelled would be great. ALSO A PUSH MOWER FOR PARTS.
724 – 256 – 5167