(814) 229-9732- Maytag gas dryer/2007 Yamaha scooter/girl’s twenty inch bicycle
(724) 283-6317- pine boards/1986 Kawasaki motorcycle/windshield for a motorcycle/DP weight bench and weights/2 tower speakers
(724) 968-7591- table lamps/round wood table and 2 chairs/red two piece cabinet/corner stand/Arcade Legends
(724) 287-2868- want: thirty-six inch exterior door/roof slates
(724) 282-6277- World of History book and Nursing books
want: flat screen tv
(724) 282-4337- girl’s size 4 Nike shoes/boy’s size 5 Timberland boots/2 turtle sandboxes/double stroller
(412) 908-1874- Kirby upright vacuum
want: trundle bed
4 Garage sales-Crisswell Road-Friday & Saturday 9-3 pm
Moving sale- Thursday, Friday and Saturday 8-5 pm at 121 Shepherd Drive- Rustling Oaks Plan
(724) 996-0596- 2 self-propelled lawn mowers/mats for 2019 Subaru Impreza/Simplicity riding mower/ riding mower tires, seats, etc./1996 Mercury Marquis/2012 Chevy Silverado
(724) 991-3458- want: four foot brush hog
(724) 283-5814- a gallon of exterior concrete & garage floor paint
(412) 795-6842- baby sweater sets and blankets/baby afghans/diaper changing bags/American Girl doll clothes and carriers
333 North Duffy Road- 10 x 8 metal shed and garage sale today
(724) 482-2922- smoker grill
(724) 687-7010- weed eater/broadcast lawn spreader/platform walking boards/adult walker/small tv set
(724) 287-4100- want: dorm size refrigerator
(724) 504-5484- 4 Idlewild tickets
(724) 810-22080- X-Box 360/Nintendo Switch/Samsung Galaxy Plus cell phone
(724) 477-3155- bowls with lids/Christmas boxes
Yard sale- Saturday 3-7 pm at Oesterling’s lot
(724) 513-9390- Christmas items/office items/clothing/jewelry/furniture
What: Timberlee Farms Neighborhood Yard Sale
Where: 121 Timberlee Drive, Evans City (follow signs from Prospect)
When: this Friday & Saturday from 9am-4pm
Details: brand name clothes for boys & girls, tools, sports equipment, & more
Questions: call 724-504-2467
Toddler boys clothes and stuff. Size 2T.-3T. Shirts,pants,PJ’s,shorts shoes,underwear,slippers,