(724) 256-0701- heated bench seat cushion/air conditioner compressor pump for 2006 Dodge RAM/tonneau cover/Dremel rotary tool & tool kit
(724) 285-1552- want: Griswald rabbit cake mold/transition strips
for sale: pedal tractor with cart/reel & rod/oak vanity
(724) 931-5419- plexiglass/glass/wood
(724) 748-0111 or (724) 967-3842- 820 John Deere farm tractor & two-bottom plow/counter top with double bowl sink/2 maple bar stools/runner sleds and children’s skis/Chevy Cavalier engine & transmission
(724) 968-7591- oil lamps/hutches/bags of Children’s books/small antique desk/large kid’s swimming pool/display cabinet
(724) 513-9390- file folders/Persian lamb wool fur coat/landline telephone/large artificial plants/jewelry
(724) 282-6277- couple of humidifiers/floor model arcade machine/ladies clothes
(724) 816-2115- want: parts for Wheelhorse tractors
Was hoping to find a free working refrigerator for my daughter. If anyone has one sitting around that is not being used, we would put great use to it.
Phone Number: 724 282 8690