(724) 991-9495- want: six horsepower motor for parts for tiller
(724) 967-3842- l-shaped counter top with double bowl sink/ (2) 195-65-15 tires/1996 Cavalier engine/FREE pile of chimney bricks
(814) 229-9732- 2007 Yamaha Vino motor scooter
Rummage Sale- Springdale Lutheran Church-1061 Mahood Road-West Sunbury- Friday and Saturday 9-3 pm
(724) 487-7527- want: Pug puppy
(724) 256-0701- eighteen volt drill and charger/air conditioner compressor pump for 2006 Dodge RAM/nine inch color television and 30 DVD movies/99 test strips
White 7 foot Tonneau Cover fits GMC or Chevy Pickup Truck.
Phone Number: 724-991-1620
I have a Tappan oven / range…….first $50 takes it
Phone Number: 724-283-9140
Parties who have COINS may either TEXT me or CALL me at their convenience.