(724) 282-4337- 2 Little Tyke turtle sandboxes/Little Tyke race car bed with mattress/girl’s toddle bed with mattress
(724) 282-1464- FREE upright piano
(724) 256-0701- driving lights/jump starter/five foot aluminum step ladder/air conditioner compressor pump for a 2006 Dodge RAM/tonneau cover
(814) 229-9732- 2007 Yamaha scooter/1981 Honda motorcycle/ (4) 225-60-16 tires/ 2 bicycle- girl’s eighteen inch and girl’s twenty inch
(724) 355-6938 or (724) 991-7576- hot tub/169 Volvo/power saw/logs
want: electric clothes dryer/handle for a lawn mower
(724) 355-2364- dehumidifier
want: someone to trim pine trees
(724) 477-3155- box of records/fire truck toddler bed
(724) 256-3606- want: checkerboard & checkers
(724) 285-3137- FREE plants ( Hosta, Day Lillies and Stella D’Ora’s)
(724) 352-3351- Victorian style sofa/love seat, chair and ottoman
(724) 687-7010- 5 walking platforms/Christmas Barbies/reel type lawn mower/adult walker/rhubarb
(724) 431-7990- FOUND Target membership card (Chelsea Gould)
for sale: men’s nose and ear cutters/men’s bike
(724) 679-1370- pool pump & filter
want: guys to carry items and help with some work
(814) 319-5647- Alice Chalmers tractor/truck cap/gun cabinet
(814) 498-2465- steel entrance door
(724) 283-5814- Dahlia bulbs
(724) 538-4326- 2 outdoor carpets/medium size dog crate
(724) 748-0111 or (724) 967-3842- L-shaped counter top with double bowl sink/folding stairway/2004 Pontiac Sunfire for parts/Cavalier engine & transmission
want: lawn sprayer
(724) 482-4544- 1998 Conversion van (needs fuel pump)/transmission jack/boat and 2 motors/1952 Chevy four door sedan
(724) 996-9140- want: bunny/seats for a boat
for sale: lawn mower
FREE Blackberry bushes
2008 goodman 2-ton Air Conditioner and matching Handler
Phone Number: 7242823328
for sale:
32inch Panasonic Flat screen TV, like new
asking $40.OO
Netgear Wireless Router $10.00
phone: 724-482-6189
Meridian area
For Sale: Dog Kennel-galvanized chain link 8 feet long-8 feet wide by 6 feet high- has metal roof-includes large igloo style dof house-good condition $100.00-724-482-2661-Meridian Area.