(724) 431-5748- trailer hitch for a Dodge Caravan
(724) 477-3155- want: canning jars with lids
(724) 285-1552- twenty-one inch Lawn Boy/antique floor model radio Victrola/Griswold cookware/men’s work boots
want: metal base tool cabinet on wheels
(724) 287-7589 or (724) 496-4735- FREE headphones
for sale: wood duck print/etched prints
(724) 256-0701- air conditioner compressor pump for 2006 Dodge RAM/diecast model of asphalt milling machine/1987 Sunline camper
(724) 602-1495- parts for a 2004 Vibe/205-55-16 tires
(724) 794-3453- want: place to donate clothing for the homeless
(724) 332-1571- octagon kitchen table & 4 chairs
(724) 996-5059- scrap metal FREE for the hauling
for sale: basketball hoop on a stand/1985 Olds Cutlass Sierra
(724) 431-5135- Tupperware freezer containers/Black & Decker eighteen volt rechargeable kit/manual reel-type push mower/thirteen inch tires
wanted to buy used riding mowers and push mowers in need of repair
Phone Number: 7248593285
Chase Lounge & Cushion-Nice Shape-$25.00
Midland CB & Antenna-New-$85.00
Golf Balls-All Brands-No Water Balls-$5.00 A Dozen
New & Used Golf Clubs
Gas Grill-New Parts Inside-$25.00
Ball Caps-Winter & Summer-New-$2.00 each
Phone 724-482-4851