(724) 355-1993- crossbow
(412) 795-6842- baby sweater sets/diaper changing bags/American Girl doll clothes and carriers
(724) 996-3911- 2 chainsaws
want: gas golf cart
(724) 285-1552- woodworking equipment/corner wall shelf/I beam and H beam/men’s work boots/stereo
(724) 482-2206- Free Baldwin organ
Garage sale- 760 Route 422 East on Saturday 10/16
(724) 285-3033- 1995 Lincoln Town Car/storage shed doors/used white thin brick
(724) 679-4970- John Deere tractor with plow/4 office chairs/oblong wood table/display cabinet
(724) 601-1531- antique furniture
(724) 513-9390- landline phone/small chest/upholstered chair/jewelry/Playboy magazines
(724) 791-2445- chicken coop/grass catcher/air compressor/Subaru side shaft motor/Lifetime cookware
(724) 355-9507- treadmill/Kenmore refrigerator/2018 Polaris 4 x 4
Anyone interested in hard back taste of home cookbooks or Pillsbury or gooseberry cookbooks – all in perfect condition -please call 724-282-8965.
i am looking for picture frames reasonible or free call 724-865-2943
Rummage and Bake Sale Oct 15-16 8-5 Fairview Evangelical Presbyterian Church 109 Petrolia St Petrolia Antiques, Tools, Household items, Old coins , old toys, Dewalt electric lawn mower. much more.
Phone Number: 7244452076