(724) 822-7005- want: adult bicycle
(724) 808-7727- couch & love seat
(724) 287-6600- golf clubs and pull cart/work bench/4 padded dinette chairs
(724) 285-4947- Pack-N-Play/crib/booster seat
(724) 996-0596- 2019 Kia Sedona/1996 Mercury Marquis/2003 Honda VTX/tires and rims for a Corvette/tires for riding mowers/fifty inch mower deck/15.5 and 20 Horsepower motors
(724) 482-4041- microwave/cross step ladder/wheel chuck/cookbooks
Sale- 435 Freeport Road-Friday and Saturday 8-4 pm
(724) 256-0701- cordless drill/blender/weed eater/29 DVD movies/air conditioner compressor pump for 2006 Dodge RAM
Band Saw
Table Saw
and Router all for $250
Phone Number: 7242856674
We are looking for some GOLD & SILVER U.S. coins” Dimes – Quarters – Half Dollars – Silver Dollars – Silver Eagle Dollars — GOLD EAGLE DOLLARS — Paying “FAIR VALUE” for good coins.
Parties interested in selling COINS may either “””TEXT””” or CALL at their convenience.
A. I need some all season or winter tires, in size: 245 x 50 or 55 x 18″ in good condition.
B. I’m looking for a good condition ”’bagger / self propelled mower.
C. I want to buy a CLEAN — PATIO GRILLE COVER — !
D. Also looking for some 185 or 195 x 65 x 15″ tires in good condition.
E. Some odd’s and end’s of ”suppotta” jewelry, bracelets, necklaces, etc.
A. Some Andersen brand double-hung thermopane, narrow line ((window sashes and miscellaneous parts)). Please call for SIZES.
B. Some nice 205 x 55 x 16” TIRES in good condition..
C. Some odd’s & end’s of 3′ to 4′ long X 1/2″ to 3/4″ thick tubing, pipe, etc., suitable for supporting GARDEN FENCING.
D. A good reliable self-propelled // bagger mower. Prefer a bagger if possible
E. A good reliable DE-HUMIDIFIER in working order.