(724) 496-4735- wood duck print/FREE photo printer paper
(814) 229-9732- 2007 Yamaha scooter/201 Cadillac Deville/Huffy twenty-six inch men’s bicycle/2005 Ford Taurus station wagon
(724) 996-2162- snow shovel with scenic picture on it/ladies jeans/ladies purse/clothes rack
(724) 282-4337 (until 2:15 pm)- Little Tyke race car bed/2 crib mattresses/girl’s toddler bed/Graco double stroller
(724) 996-3911- want: someone to do computer work
(724) 712-5236 or (724) 234-9689- want: 265-75-15 tire/puppy
(724) 284-1540- computer desk/computer chair/monitor, keyboard, etc./2 rod iron chairs
(724) 477-3155- want: fake dishes
(724) 482-2256- burn barrel