For Sale -Size 2T-3T boys clothes. Over 70 pieces. $50.00 for all. All very clean. 2 car seats also for sale $25.00 each. Wedding gown and veil for sale. Size 6. Very beautiful. Was professionally cleaned and boxed up. $50.00. Phone (724)352-8842.
I am looking to buy a small utility trailer that is titled for the road.
Phone Number: 7242828690
I have four bobblehead for sale they are 10 dollars each
Phone Number: 724-487-1234
(814) 316-4263- twenty-four foot aluminum extension ladder/eight foot aluminum brake
(724) 496-8537- high chair/walker/boy’s 2t and 3t clothes
(724) 504-8706- (2) 275-65-18 tires/floor mats for 2019 Ford F150/gate
(724) 355-5490- electric cigarette rolling machine
333 North Duffy Road- 2004 Nissan Murano/generator
(724) 285-1552- Griswold cookware/men’s work boots/model train transformer/fireplace enclosure and heataloter grate
(724) 996-3034- gas kitchen range
(724) 496-4622- (2) 215-50-17/ (2) 225-44-17 tires
(724) 991-9495- small riding tractor/rear tine tiller/Craftsman snowblower/(2) 21 x 10 x 8 quad tires
(724) 816-6542- good seasoned firewood
(724) 290-7841- 2 sets of 205-60-16 tires/1977 Chevy step side with plow/ (2) 235-60-18 tires/1998 Dodge Dakota
(724) 431-8099- miter saw
(724) 525-3043- want: fence posts
(724) 591-3675- 2 five foot aluminum toolboxes for a truck
(724) 756-3021- basketball backboard, pipe, etc.
(412) 313-3859- Lifetime drip coffee maker/ladies tops
(724) 283-6532- around 850 little items to sell at flea market
(724) 996-9140- swimming pool ladder/slippers
(724) 756-8088- a hundred pound propane tank/fuel oil/Gravely walk behind with attachments/parts for fuel oil burner/oil tank
(724) 991-8725- 70 Big Band albums