Yard Sale-October 19th and 20th-9 to 5 at 112 2nd Avenue-Butler
(724) 355-8544- Estate Sale- today 9-3 pm- 104 Mushrush Road
(724) 504-7294- want: thirty pound propane cylinder
(724) 285-1552- plaque/bunk beds/man’s vintage shirt/men’s work boots/fireplace heatalator and enclosure
(724) 421-5394- solid wooden door/generator/Pittsburgh Pirates items/caster wheels/Native American items
want: parrot or macaw feathers
(724) 991-9306- Meridian Vets Club Fall Festival today
(724) 931-5419- lawn mower/plexiglass/glass/china closet
want: trees cut down
(724) 355-8135- want: wooden coat rack/medium oak storage bed/round propane firepit table/ 32 x 80 storm door
(724) 287-2193- want: chainsaw for parts
(724) 996-2679- hardwood logs
(724) 283-5814- want: 1969 Butler High Magnet yearbook
(724) 290-1463- want: tree cut down
(724) 290-1188- want: 6 x 10 or 12 utility trailer
(724) 482-2027- want: used kerosene torpedo heater
(724) 996-3911- FREE mason jars/John Deere walk behind/kerosene lanterns
(724) 859-7010- 1985 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme
(724) 504-1949- lift chair
(724) 287-6538- want: 15 x 6 x 6 tires
(878) 208-5735- bar table & 2 chairs/1998 S10 pickup/Steelers framed pictures/pool table
(724) 283-6532- flea market items
(724) 637-2175- contractor’s cap
(724) 256-0701- 1987 twenty-five foot Sunline camper/air staple gun/air conditioner compressor pump for 2006 Dodge RAM
(724) 996-4401- refrigerator/electric stove/gas furnace/washer and dryer
(724) 602-8667- eighteen inch jigsaw
(724) 513-9390- house items/office items