For Sale: Dell Photo 926 Printer, used very little. $30.00 .
For Sale: Double bowl sink insert, with faucets,
shower doors for 5 foot tub. good condition and reasonable. 724-283-6719
looking for beagle or Brittany spaniel puppy also horse manure with straw available for pickup or delivery
Phone Number: (724)719-7016
(724) 282-1588- Miller natural gas furnace
(724) 452-6311- want: King Midget
(412) 795-6842- Baby sweater sets and blankets/diaper changing bags/American Girl doll clothes and carriers/hand-knitted hats and scarf sets and Steelers items
(724) 477-3155- want: kid’s dishes
for sale: plastic flower pots
(724) 712-5618- Harley Davidson service manuals
(724) 283-4962- FREE 2 Butler High Yearbooks (1962 and 1963)
(724) 332-8211- Diecast and plastic model cars/gas grill
(724) 538-9175- want: three point hitch sickle bar
(724) 406-9146- old rare books/NASCAR Dodge models/juicer
(724) 968-0988 or (724) 256-2991- want: (2) 225-70-16 tires
(724) 687-7010- rotary spreader/cage/electric skillet/2 outdoor rabbit coops
(724) 513-9390- fourteen carat gold Civic Arena charms and other charms/CDs and DVDs/Hindu goddess statue/office items/2 fur coats
(724) 290-3405- forty-six inch snow blade for John Deere/8 or 9 guitars
(724) 283-9126- want: exterior outside door