City officials and residents are teaming up with law enforcement to form a crime watch group around the city of Butler.
“We’re still in the very beginning stages and we figured that the very first thing that we need to do is support our local police department and our drug task force,” Cheri Readie said. “By doing that, that’s where the neighborhood watch begins. That’s where we start to build that relationship with our city police officers between community and police and that is so important to build that relationship.”
Readie is a former Butler City councilwoman and one of the organizers of the neighborhood watch group, which is still forming to keep an eye specifically on area drug dealers.
Private citizens should never attempt to confront anyone they think might be involved in illegal activity, instead people are asked to report what they see to law enforcement. The group is also planning fundraisers in the future.
“One of the goals that we do have is getting organized, forming a 501C3 organization, and really trying to raise some money to put towards whether it be our Butler City Police to help increase the feet on the streets, or the drug task force to ensure that they have everything that they need in order to do their job properly,” she said.
Those interested in joining the group are asked to call 724-431-0005 for more information.
Photo Credit: PennDOT