Butler County residents are being asked to take a survey regarding transit needs in our area.
The Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission is seeking input to learn about what needs exist as well as about views on how local transportation can be improved.
The survey will help further the commission’s project titled “Smartmoves Connections: A Regional Vision for Public Transit” as well as relay research about transit land uses.
The SPC works with governments around the region to plan for continued growth especially as it relates to funding for transportation access and economic development. The survey can be taken online through September.
Go to the SPC website for more. https://www.spcregion.org/2020/08/12/regional-planners-conducting-survey/
Here’s the link to the survey: https://survey.smartmovesconnections.org/

The post County Residents Asked To Take Transit Needs Survey appeared first on ButlerRadio.com – Butler, PA.