Butler City Council plans to make a commitment to keep a local tradition going, but may need some help to do so.
The topic of the city’s annual Fourth of July fireworks display was brought up at Tuesday’s Butler City Council meeting.
“Our city fireworks are dependent on donations. In the past, we’ve had great success. We’ve sent out letters, and organizations and businesses have donated money. This year, we sent those letters out earlier than we have in the past, and all we’ve gotten back are zero donations and one company saying they are in bankruptcy,” Butler Mayor Ben Smith said Tuesday.
Although the city has a yearly contract with Zambelli to provide fireworks, the deadline to reduce the level of a display, or cancel the contract altogether, has arrived.
In the recent past, the city has had a $15,000 display- which council says they can’t afford to pay for alone this year– but city Councilman Jeff Smith proposed the city commit to at least a smaller display.
“Could we go for a smaller show this year? Is there a way to squeeze out $5,000 somewhere, so we can do something?” Smith asked Tuesday.
Those willing or able to donate to the city’s fireworks display are asked to contact the city for more information.
The post City Fireworks Display Could Be At Risk appeared first on ButlerRadio.com – Butler, PA.