PennDOT is preparing to close a well-traveled Adams Township roadway for an upcoming construction project. Mars-Evans City Road will close between Myoma Road and Blackrock Boulevard on Wedne... Read more
A Mars High School graduate and past winner of the Butler Road Race won Pittsburgh’s Great Race over the weekend. Nick Edinger, 25, won the men’s 10K division of the race with a time of 30 m... Read more
Golf and golf courses will be the topic of tonight’s installment of the ‘Coffee and Conversation’ series in Cranberry Township. Township Manager Jerry Andree and Board of Supervisor’s Chairm... Read more
Central Electric Cooperative members have re-elected a director to represent Butler County on the organization’s board. Kenneth Durrett was elected during the annual meeting of members at th... Read more
Bowhunters across the state are getting ready for the beginning of archery season this weekend. Archery deer season begins on Saturday, Oct. 1 and the Pennsylvania Game Commission would like... Read more
Pennsylvania lawmakers are considering a bill that would require high school students to take a citizenship test before they could graduate. Students would be allowed to take the civics test... Read more
Grove City Police are asking for help finding the person responsible for a hit and run crash last week. According to the report, a silver Hyundai drove into a yard in the 500 block of Craig... Read more
Three local people are facing charges following a series of thefts last month. According to State Police, a total of 14 people reported items stolen from their vehicles during four separate... Read more
The fundraising event ‘Laps for Learning’ for the South Butler Intermediate School, scheduled for today, has been postponed due to weather. Possible thunderstorms have been predicted to hit... Read more
Local paramedics were called to assist with two separate drug overdoses in public places over the weekend in Butler Township. The first incident happened late Friday morning at the Sheetz on... Read more