After a dispute with a neighborhood about the safety of honey bees and the attraction they have to bears a local man wants people to know there is nothing to be afraid of.
Tanner Miller has been around bees since he was a kid. He was introduced to honey bee keeping by his grandfather and father and for the last 10 years he’s been a bee keeper.
Miller goes as far to call himself an advocate for honey bees and knows the extreme importance of honey bees as they face a population decline. According to Miller, honey bees can pollinate over 5,000 flowers, crops, or trees in one day. So, no bees…no humans.
“We need to repopulate to keep up with the humans. We consume more and more every year, and if we don’t have bees pollinating that food goes away, which means we go away,” Miller said.
According to Miller his neighbor was unhappy about the decision made against him but Miller wants to make peace and inform the neighbor of misconceptions about honey bees.
“People have this fear of honey bees. Because people have this misconception that when they sting you they come out in droves,” Miller said. “That’s not true.”
The post Butler Twp. Man Hoping To Spread Word On Benefits Of Beekeeping appeared first on ButlerRadio.com – Butler, PA.