As Butler Area School District administrators deal with the latest announcement that the closure will continue indefinitely, they are moving forward with plans to increase planned instruction.
According to Superintendent Dr. Brian White, teachers are currently providing enrichment and review which means students are encouraged to participate as much as possible. Students can earn credit for completing assignment but will not be penalized if they are not able to participate.
The first phase of planned instruction for all students will see students in grades 9 to 12 required to complete their assignments from home with the goal of keeping secondary students on track with coursework which would allow for seniors to graduate this year.
Families will be notified when the transition for each grade level is made from enrichment and review to planned instruction. This transition will include the use of Google Classroom which allows all participating students to see each other’s names and student email addresses. Any parent who views this as a problem is asked to reach out to the child’s teacher to discuss alternatives.
The post Butler Area School District Preparing For Indefinite School Closure appeared first on ButlerRadio.com – Butler, PA.