Butler County Community College is gearing up to return their staff to campus.
BC3 says they will soon be presenting a phased-in plan to return their employees to campus beginning June 1st.
College staff will follow department of health recommendations like wearing masks and maintaining social distancing.
The plan also includes:
- Requiring employees to sing in and out when entering designated entraacnes to buildings.
- Limited the maxiumum number of employees permitted on BC3’s main camups or at its additional locations at the same time.
- Limiting hours in which BC3 facilities are open to employees.
- Saniitzing work spaces used by employees at day’s end or before the worker returns.
- Sanitizing common areas within buildings daily.
- Utilizing ultrasonic disinfecting equipment that has been ordered.
“BC3’s decisions have been consistent with the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s mandate that community colleges follow the same requirement as do the Commonwealth’s 500 school districts for closings and openings with regard to COVID-19,” Coordinator of News and Media Content Bill Foley said.
The post BC3 Developing Plans To Bring Staff Back To Campus appeared first on ButlerRadio.com – Butler, PA.