(724) 290-3780- 1969 Chevelle Malibu/electric winch
(724) 283-6317- pine boards/windshield for a motorcycle/(3) 15″ 1991 Dodge pickup rims and tires/2 tower speakers
(724) 931-5419- wood/stove/wood burner/2 tailgates/china closet/glass
(724) 355-2364- FOUND box of supplies on McQuistion Road
(724) 355-8135- set of dishes/fish tank
want: tennis rackets
(724) 285-8356- want: propane ice auger
(724) 355-0568- 30″ range hood/microwave cupboard
(412) 828-7726- juicer/medi-massager
(724) 283-2066- Steelers jacket/Steelers items/large baby gate
(724) 865-8165- 2 sets of headphones/Sony vcr with remote and manual/used Sony digital camera
(724) 996-5780- want: The Clapper
(724) 282-1134- FREE pine firewood
(724) 355-5532- want: snow plow
(724) 285-6255- tennis rackets/Avon cologne/wheelbarrows/Santa
(724) 822-1862- 4 Corvette rims from a 1968/(4) 245-75-16 tires
1, A brand new ADJUSTABLE ”CHRISTMAS TREE STAND” for either live or synthetic Xmas trees.
2. A ”’BRAND NEW”’ pair of “””BMW””” REPLACEMENT GRILL’S for model years 2005 and newer.
3. A medium-to-large sized PATIO ”’GAS GRILLE”’ VINYL COVER in decent condition.
4. A gasoline powered ”’pole-tree trimmer”’ in good condition.
5. A mechanics 1/4″– or — 3/8″ Air Ratchet wrench in decent condition.
724 496 5263
1. I am looking for a contractor’s aluminum bending brake for shaping aluminum coil stock, etc.
2. Various 1996 – through 1999 — SATURN BODY PARTS IN ”’DARK NAVY BLUE COLOR”’ including a hood, front wrap around BUMPER cover, rear wrap around BUMPER cover & some wheels w/ or w/o tires.
3. Some 15″, 16″, and 20″ tires in the following sizes:
Can be either all season radials or winter tires:
A. 185 or 195 x 65 x 15″
B. 205 x 55 x 16″
C. 245 x 50 x 20″
4. Some Andersen brand, double-hung thermopane, NARROW LINE, PERMA SHIELD windows or sashes in good condition. PLUS ”cord style ”’LIFT KITS”’ too!”
5. Some wood lathe turning chisels.