Some lawmakers in Harrisburg have approved a proposal that they believe could provide some help to those struggling with drug addiction.
The bill is sponsored by Republican Representative Matt Baker of Tioga County. It would allow medical experts to force someone who has overdosed to stay in treatment for up to 72 hours.
Baker says he’s heard too many stories about people walking out of an emergency room after being revived, only to overdose again.
“They’re being treated and released,” Baker said.
Baker’s proposal is facing opposition from the Pennsylvania College of Emergency Physicians, which says there’s no proof involuntary commitment works. A state House panel did approve the proposal. A similar piece of legislation is sitting in a Senate committee.
Here locally, first responders were called to two suspected drug overdoses on Tuesday where both suspects were reportedly revived and refused further medical treatment.
Written By: Kayla Molczan for the Butler Radio Network
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