If you have a high school junior in your family, they may want to start considering the Entrepreneurship Academy at Butler County Community College now for next year.
Christen Dunn, the instructor for Entrepreneurship Academy, spoke with our radio station. She shared some great information about this unique opportunity in which high school students within Butler County can redefine their senior year.
A senior in the program will spend the first half of their day at their high school and the second half at class on BC3’s campus. They will then spend their time in this STEM-based (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math), hands-on, project-based educational setting looking at business. A variety of projects will be completed throughout the course and there is an end-of-the-year competition as well.
The Entrepreneurship Academy is three years in existence with the second year in Butler. Tuition is paid for by the seven school districts within Butler County. There are also optional BC3 college courses at a reduced rate that can go towards college credits and students get duel certification.
The Entrepreneurship Academy at BC3 is run through the Midwestern Intermediate Unit IV.
Thirteen students signed up this year. Current junior considering the program can register now here.
Written By: Tracey Morgan
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