(724) 355-6640- glass dinette table and 4 chairs/ 6 dining room upholstered chairs
(814) 229-9732- 2002 Ford Focus wagon/1981 Honda motorcycle/2007 Yamaha scooter/girl’s twenty inch bicycle
(724) 283-6317- pine boards/1986 Kawasaki Vulcan/windshield for a motorcycle/DP weight bench and weights/2 tower speakers
(724) 865-2537- 2 recliners
(724) 822-8196- 3 FREE aluminum storm doors
(724) 996-9140- want: window air conditioner
for sale: lawn mower/swimming pool ladder
430 West Main Street- Saxonburg- Wheelhorse lawn tractor, etc.
(724) 352-4678- 4 dozen golf balls
(724) 756-0421- Suzuki Intruder (trade for truck or car)
Garage sale- Friday & Saturday 8-3 pm at 1303 Madison Avenue in East Butler
(724) 968-7591- wood round table/2 plastic swimming pools/1998 Dyno Wise Glide/1998 Heritage
want: wingback chair
(724) 256-0701- nail gun/battery jump pack/air conditioner compressor pump for 2006 Dodge RAM/2 Craftsman mowers
(724) 256-6369- want: air conditioner
for sale: bird cage/coffee maker/set of dishes/FREE large wooden table
(724) 287-2141- want: used forty-two inch deck for Cub Cadet 1517
for sale: 9.2 boat motor
(724) 368-3360- piece of rubber roofing/monkey ball trees
(724) 997-1086- want: 425 John Deere lawn tractor for parts/used four-wheel drive van
(724) 687-7010- lawn spreader/gas weed eater/2 rabbit coupes/platform walking stools/reel type lawn mower
(724) 794-6362- twenty gallon crock/six foot mowing machine/hay wagon
(724) 482-4200- want: glass baby food jars with lids
(724) 482-4542- large dining room table & chair set
Moving Sale- Friday, July 12 thru Sunday, July 14 from 8 am to 4 pm at 135 Dufford, Evans City. Lots of items including furniture, tools, household and collectibles
Phone Number: 724-8418650
Fresh eggs – $2.00 dozen
Mostly brown – few white
Prospect area
Call or text 412-849-0693